Full Cream Amasi
an image of Halaal Badgean image of Kosher Dairy Badge

Full Cream Amasi

It doesn’t get more South African than Amasi or “maas.” This fermented milk drink is highly popular among South Africans, and it’s produced by adding a culture to milk and then fermenting it until it reaches a specific acidity level. Our Amasi has a smooth texture and a slightly sour taste, just as we like it. Amasi isn’t just delicious, but it’s also beneficial to your health, such as improving lipid profiles used as part of a cardiac risk assessment to help determine an individual’s risk of heart disease. First Choice Amasi is available to consumers in 1kg, 2kg and 4kg containers.

Quick Facts

Excellent for your health and immune system.
Aids in the prevention of hypertension.
So good it tastes like dessert!

Full Cream Amasi

Nutritional Information

Full Cream Amasi
