Chocolate Brownie Milkshake

Dessert ToppingsFresh MilkVelvet Dairy Ice Cream
Chocolate Brownie Milkshake

Recipe Information



prep time:

cook time:

an image of easy




For the milkshake:

  • 1 cup First Choice Milk
  • 2 tbsp First Choice Chocolate Dessert Topping
  • 3 scoops First Choice Vanilla Ice Cream
  • 2 small chocolate brownies

For the decoration:

  • 1 chocolate of your choice (We used Cadbury Flake)
  • 1 chocolate brownie
  • ½ cup chocolate chips
  • 2 tbsp peanut butter
  • whipping cream

Preparation method:

For the milkshake:

  1. Use the large blending cup (We used the NutriBullet) and add the ice cream.
  2. Add the First Choice Dessert Topping, and First Choice Milk.
  3. Break the chocolate brownies into the cup.
  4. Blend for 30 seconds or until smooth.

For the decoration:

  1. Decorate the rim with chocolate chips and peanut butter.
  2. Pour some First Choice Dessert Topping around the inside of the glass.
  3. Pour the milkshake into the glass and top with whipping cream, chocolate and cholate brownie!